Company founded in Champs sur Marne in France

- 1990
- 1993
Automation using database automation solution with integrated media database
- 1999
Tapeless play-out automation
- 2001
Modular video content management solution: « Media Manager »
- 2002
Tapeless news production
- 2006
Semantic search engine into « Media Manager »
- 2006
SGT is acquired by Imagination. Imagination’s equity is 33% management, 33% individuals & 33% private
- 2008
IBC Pick-Hit Award for VEDA suite
- 2009
1st multi-channel playout system at a Premium channel using VEDA
- 2010
1st multi-delivery platform installed at a telecommunications company
- 2011
Aquisition of Vivesta (Mediaflow range)
- 2012
Launch of Veda-in-a-box
- 2014
Evolution of Mediaflow for contracts & rights management
- 2015
SGT celebrates its 25th birthday
- 2016
VEDA solutions rebirth with release V16
- 2017
SGT Introduces new integrated solutions: VEDA One & Duo
- 2018
SGT unveils at IBC a new range of channel in a box TV playout solutions : ELIA Unity and Elia Air
- 2019
SGT became part of the Hexaglobe Group.